
Short Courses

Lifeline: Suicide Prevention

Comprehensive Suicide Intervention Training for Canadian Counsellors and Therapists

Cheryl Otterbein, RTC.HT


Brief Program Description

LifeLine: Comprehensive Suicide Intervention Training for Canadian Counsellors and Therapists is a 35-hour program designed to equip professionals with the skills to assess and intervene in suicide risk situations effectively. The course covers a range of topics, from understanding suicide’s impact in Canada and identifying risk factors and warning signs to utilizing comprehensive risk assessment tools.

It offers practical training in evidence-based intervention techniques, including crisis intervention models and cognitive-behavioural strategies. The program emphasizes the importance of developing individualized safety plans and mobilizing support networks.


Any Time

35 hours over 4 weeks

None Required


What You Will Learn?

Day 1: Understanding Suicide and Risk Assessment

  • Session 1:
  • Introduction to Suicide and Its Impact in Canada (3 hours)
  • Common Myths and misconceptions about Suicide
  • Session 2:
  • Identifying Risk Factors and Warning Signs (4 hours)
    Biopsychosocial risk factors cues

Day 2: Comprehensive Suicide Risk Assessment

  • Session 3:
  • Suicide Risk Assessment (7 hours)
    Comprehensive suicide risk assessment tools, appropriate levels of interventio


Any Time

35 hours over 4 weeks

None Required


Day 3: Intervention Strategies

  • Session 4:
  • Evidence-Based Intervention Techniques (5 hours)
    Crisis intervention models

Day 4: Safety Planning and Ongoing Support

  •  Session 5:
  • Safety Planning and Ongoing Support (6 hours)
    Developing individualized safety plans with services in Canada

Day 5: Legal and Ethical Considerations

  •  Session 6:
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations in Suicide Intervention (4 hours)
  • Consent and Confidentiality in suicide intervention

Day 6: Cultural Competence and Special Populations

  • Session 7:
  • Cultural Competence in Suicide Intervention (3 hours) Intervention
  • Culturally sensitive assessment and intervention strategies
  • Session 8:
  • Suicide Intervention in Special Populations (2 hours)
  • Suicide risk and intervention in specific populations (e.g., Indigenous communities, LGBTQ+ individuals, immigrants, youth, elderly)

Day 7:Program Wrap-up and Evaluation

  • Session 9:
  • Review and Skill Consolidation (4 hours) Intervention
  • Q&A and discussion
  • Session 10:
  • Program Evaluation and Closing (1 hour)
  • Multiple-choice exam feedback presentation


Course Prerequisites:

Learning Objectives:


Method of Student Evaluation:

Required course materials:


October 15th, 2023

35 hours over 4 weeks

5 Hours


For more details about the course

Call Now + 604 900 1245


Cheryl Otterbein

Cheryl Otterbein is passionate about imparting
knowledge and fostering a love for learning in


October 15th, 2023

Jamie Billingham is passionate about imparting
knowledge and fostering a love for learning in

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35 hours over 4 weeks

5 Hours


For more details about the course

Call Now + 604 900 1245


Cheryl Otterbein

Cheryl Otterbein is passionate about imparting
knowledge and fostering a love for learning in


October 15th, 2023

Jamie Billingham is passionate about imparting
knowledge and fostering a love for learning in

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35 hours over 4 weeks

5 Hours


For more details about the course

Call Now + 604 900 1245

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