
Counselling Skills V

Counselling Skills V

Students will read the required textbook or manual for each section below and answer a series of essay-type questions relating to the material in the textbook. They will submit their answers by uploading them to Moodle. The Instructor will evaluate the answers and give the student a mark. 80% is a pass for each section.

To pass, the student must attain an 80% average in all 3 courses. A certificate will be given to a successful student. The Instructor will provide support if needed for the duration of the program.

Prospective students can challenge the sections below based on prior learning.  Counselling IV is another step towards qualifying for ACCT membership.

The Cultural Nature of Human Development (45Hrs.)

Course Description:

The exploration of human development as a cultural process. How culture and cultural expectations change the development of children. Through the research and study of attachment, family, early care, developmental milestones and rituals a deeper understanding of the unique path we each take to developing as a human.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the successful student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  • Understand the Cultural Nature of Human Development.
  • Understand that people transform through their ongoing participation in cultural activities, which contribute to changes experienced in their cultural communities through the generations.
  • How people and cultural communities change each other.
  • Understand and factor in child-rearing in families and communities.
  • Understand Cultural strategies for child survival and care
  • Understand Infants’ security of attachment
  • Understand developmental transitions marking change in relation to the community.
  • Understand Responsible roles in childhood
  • Initiation to manhood and womanhood
  • Explore interdependence and autonomy
  • Cultural values intelligence and maturity
  • Learning new ways and keeping cultural traditions.

Gestalt Therapy (45Hrs.)

Course Description:

Includes the theory, historical evolution, research and practice of Gestalt Therapy. This course is essential for graduate students and seasoned counsellors wishing to study how the Gestalt approach may be used with their clients in a practice. Including case studies.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the successful student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to understand:

  • Gestalt’s valuable place within any therapeutic practice.
  • Gestalt Therapies’ views on the importance of counsellor‐client relationship for healing and change.
  • Meaning-making as a therapeutic tool used to create our own reality and understanding that reality.
  • Through case studies, observe how Gestalt therapy is used in a practice and adapting them to your client’s needs.
  • Neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology and Gestalt
  • Contemporary Relational Gestalt Theory and Practice
  • Relational Gestalt Therapy into the Future.

Narrative Therapy (45Hrs.)

Course Description:

Exploration of Narrative Therapies founding beliefs that we are made up of interacting stories defining a sense of who we are, culturally as much as individually. It is in the retelling of our stories which offers clients the opportunity to re‐consider, re‐appreciate and re‐author their lives and relationships. Through the offering of innovative techniques, students will understand working with conflicted couples, children, youth and families.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the successful student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to understand:

  • New and important developments in Narrative Therapy.
  • Updated approaches to working with grief, loss, trauma and death.
  • Working within the Queer communities with Narrative therapy.
  • Innovative ways to understand questions and engage with couples, children, youth and families.
  • New Narrative Therapy‐informed relational interviewing.
  • Step-by-step outline of working with relationships.
  • A more genuine experience of therapy as a learning model.
  • And be introduced to the many wonderful, unconventional and creative ideas of Michael White the creator of Narrative Therapy.
  • The personal, theoretical and practice history of Narrative Therapy.
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