


Counselling Legislation in BC (A Brief History)

Sheldon Bilsker, HT, RCC is the Director and founder of Orca Institute, Canada’s longest running hypnotherapy school. You can contact him at 604-808-3703. Over the years many aspiring hypnotherapists and students have asked me about

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Why We are Recommending that Our Students Join ACTA

Update: recently the Alberta government, after committing to announce legislation relating to counselling in Alberta, has decided not to put forward the proposed legislation for proclamation. The government has stated that they are moving in

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Regulating Colleges (Counselling) in BC, Canada

Update: Recently the Alberta government, after committing to announce legislation relating to counselling in Alberta, has decided not to put forward the proposed legislation for proclamation. The government has stated that they are moving in

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Learning Ericksonian Hypnosis

Sheldon Bilsker, HT, RCC is the Director and founder of Orca Institute, Canada’s longest running hypnotherapy school.You can contact him at 604-808-3703 Milton Erickson was an American psychiatrist and the founding president of the American

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Thoughts on Cancer

Serge King, Ph.D. is a Hawaain Shaman based in Hawaii. He is the author of many books including The Urban Shaman and Imagineering for Health. Contact Orca Institute at 604-808-3703. My younger brother died of

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Counselling Hypnotherapy Legislation in BC, Canada

Update: February 1st, 2022: Recently the Alberta government, after committing to announce legislation relating to counselling in Alberta, has decided not to put forward the proposed legislation for proclamation. The government has stated that they

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The Healing Power of Belief (My healing journey)

The Healing Power of Belief (My healing journey) Sheldon Bilsker, HT, RCC is the Director and founder of Orca Institute and the IACH. Orca Institute is Canada’s longest-running and only Designated hypnotherapy school. You can

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