Our School Accreditations
About Orca’s PTIB Hypnotherapy Course Designation.
The Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills administers the Private Training Act and associated regulations under the Ministry of Advanced Education, Industry and Training, of British Columbia.
A registered institution may voluntarily seek designation. It requires the institution to maintain additional quality standards in excess of registration requirements. PTIB was created to carry out the important role of student protection in the private career training sector. It is committed to protecting student interests. Orca Institute is a PTIB designated Institution. Orca Institute is the only PTIB designated hypnotherapy school in BC.
Establishing Standards
By applying for and receiving registration, an institution must demonstrate continuous compliance with the basic education standards described in the PTIB Bylaws. In addition to mandatory registration, PTIB has developed a higher standard for private career training institutions – the standard of designation.
Accreditation means an institution must maintain a quality standard in excess of the basic education standards. PTIB designation is an important criterion by which private career training institutions in BC are evaluated for standards and quality. Orca Institute has been accredited (designated) since 2006 and registered with the Government of BC since 1986.
Orca Institute is an Approved School with the Association of Co-operative Counselling Therapists(ACCT). Graduate students of our Counselling Skills Diploma Program can apply for the Title of Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC).
Orca Institute is an Approved School with the Association of Co-operative Counselling Therapists (CPCA). Graduate students of our Counselling Skills Diploma Program can apply for the Title of Registered Professional Counsellor (RPC).
Orca Institute is an Approved Level II school with IACH (International Association of Counselling Hypnotherapists)